Churchill's IMSA Fusion Field Trip!!!!
The above picture shows the overall itinerary for the fun filled day that we experienced. Despite a lengthy bus ride, everyone had an amazing time!!! I think the students enjoyed lunch the most... Ha Ha!

We started off our day with 3-D Geometry. They were first given a set of blocks. The students were then introduced to isometric and orthographic views and how to draw them. They were then challenged to go through several cards and make the structures shown on the cards. The students excelled at this task and many will be asked by Mrs. Blust to visit her classes and demonstrate the lesson to her students.
By far their favorite due to getting as much as you want and the ice cream for dessert.
After lunch we went to the Biology room and were introduced to Sea Stars. The students were taught this lesson by high school aged IMSA students. They took our students through identifying the various external structures of the sea star. The students were then allowed to dissect the sea star and learn about its internal structures.
After our dissection the students were lead on a campus tour and were able to see a dorm room. We then climbed on board the bus and headed back to Galesburg!!!
See you at our regular meeting on Monday, Nov. 17th, 2014. However, DO NOT forget about the webinar with Computational Biologist, Dr. Kai Orton on Tuesday, Nov. 18th, 2014!!!
The webinar will only run from 3pm till about 4 or 4:15pm. It is not mandatory but should be exciting to hear about!
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