This week the kids continued to learn about diseases and how they spread. We did a simulation using skittles to show how a disease progresses through a population. The population(skittles) would go through the stages of healthy, symptomatic, diseased and immune or dead. As the pictures show the the populations were mainly diseased and/or dead by the end of the simulation! This simulation allowed the students to really see how easily things can spread.
Next week is our final meeting! We will be having pizza and doing a team building activity and playing a game. We have asked the students to sign up by Monday morning at 8 am and to bring $3 for the pizza and pop.
Mrs. Blust and I have really enjoyed IMSA Fusion this year and all of its participants. To the 8th Graders... you will be missed but we wish you the best of luck at the high school! To the 6th and 7th graders we will be training on the new units this summer and we are looking forward to welcoming you all back next year!! Have a safe and enjoyable summer!