Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Added Meeting Date

Added Meeting Date

Soon we will be doing two activities which entail making butter and cheese.  These activities use many of the same materials and materials with somewhat short shelf lives.  With this in mind and since we do not want the snow days to affect how much we get done in this unit, Mrs. Blust and I would like to add a meeting date in March.    The date we will be meeting in order to make the cheese is March 4th, from 3 pm until 4:30 pm.    We will still meet on March 2nd at the normal time!!!


You Reap What You Sow

On the 9th we finished the activity that we had previously started.  This time we focused on the math portion of the activity dealing with crops and farming.  We also continued the game to help show us that there is a lot of things that are left to chance when farming.  Some of these things we encountered and discussed were pests and weather.  We filled out several charts that lead us to discover how much profit we would have made given our decisions and chance.


 These pictures show the charts we filled out.  Finally with our profit we then used a pie graph to see how it was spent amongst the farm and family.  The students were surprised to see how things can affect the crops and the profits.  They were also surprised to see the percentages of the profit that went to various needed items.
** Feb. 23rd meeting will be letting out at 
                                   4:20 pm!!!!