At IMSA on Monday the 21st we finally got to test all of the things we have been working on in the last few meetings.
I must say that it seemed as though the kids LOVED it!
Below are a few picture of the groups in action with a brief description of the things that were done.

1st-- Finally the grass on our green roofs had grown in completely. So we got to take those out into the courtyard and tested which shoebox would keep a cooler inside temperature, the green roof or the tiled roof. In most of our groups we saw that the green roof would actually keep the inside cooler and therefore help with utility costs of buildings that choose to install them.
2nd-- We had several different targets that were previously made. These were used to test our catapults. We had the student groups time the "air time" of the projectile after it was shot.
We also had a contest to see which groups catapult would shoot the projectile the furthest into a bucket. (we measured this by the number of floor tiles between catapult and bucket.)

Finally, we had an accurracy contest between groups. We let each member shoot the catapult and try to hit the same spot as the other members in their group.